Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Is BDD good addition to TDD?

Recently I've opened for myself newest modern testing approach - BDD or behavior-driven development. Unit tests are quite familiar for most of the developers (but how many developers use item?). BDD just adds some new, powerful features by means of descriptive test stories.

I guess, everyone agrees that test cases (xUnit, ...) mostly should contain simple and straightforward code (like compare call this method, compare this value with that one, etc.). But in my practice the complex test methods are not so rare (probably, I'm doing something wrong?) and because of this complexity it is often unclear what test method is actually for.

That's where BDD can help. I've found it very useful. It's easy to tell a test story first and then decorate it with test code either write a large test case surrounded by bunch of comments (I personally don't like comments and use them very rarely).

Because right now I'm developing on Java, I would like to recommend few BDD frameworks which still in development but are ready for use.

First is easyb:
And second one is JBehave:

Both can be easily integrated in build process (Maven, Ant, ...).
So ... I'm looking forward to increase quality of my code with help of BDD. I'm going to post some practical BDD aspects in future posts.


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